As My Son Turns Eleven, There Are Life Lessons I Want Him to Learn Early on in His Life

#6. Trust your instincts — always

Shabaira Junaid
4 min readFeb 15, 2022
a mother and son at the beach, watching the waves.
Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

My little boy turned eleven just days ago. As I try to make sense of how time has flown by, I’m left baffled. It still feels like yesterday when I held him in my arms for the first time.

Yet when I look at him, I’m reminded of how much time has since passed by. He’s grown from this cute, adorable baby into a smart, curious young boy.

When you’re a sleep-deprived mother, who’s tired-as-hell and who feels that the tiny human in your arms is driving you crazy, time seems to slow down and you feel as if this is going to be your life forever.

But what you don’t realise is how fast they’ll grow even though every day seems monotonous and mundane. C.S. Lewis describes this perfectly,

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.”

As we grow, we learn things in life. Some will be through the advice given to us by our elders, but most of it comes through experience.

My wish for my son is to teach him certain valuable lessons that will help him throughout his life.

1. Don’t pretend to be something you are not

You don’t have to fit in the mould that society provides you with. Don’t change yourself to fit in when you’re supposed to stand out from the crowd. Do not try to dim your sparkle because it is too bright for their eyes.

Always be confident and comfortable in your skin. Learn to embrace your flaws. They are a part of your personality just as your strengths are — that is what makes you ‘you’.

Successful people are those who understand their limitations and accept them, but they don’t let those shortcomings stop them from achieving their goals.

2. Value people and relations

Your family and friends matter the most. Value people who love, respect and trust you. Treat them with love and kindness.

Make them feel special and you’ll learn that it is the best way to feel good about yourself. Spending time with your loved ones should always be a priority. Make time for them even if it is scarce.

Time spent with loved ones is never wasted — these are the memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

3. Learn to be patient

I know I’ve told you this a thousand times before and you’ll say I don’t have to repeat it. But I can’t stress this enough; patience is of utmost importance. It is a virtue only a few have in them.

Don’t try to rush things, don’t make decisions in haste. Everything will happen at its pace and time. You will get what is meant for you.

4. Set goals in your life

Always set goals in your life, no matter how petty or small they might seem to you. By having clear goals, you’ll know what you’re aiming for and how to work towards accomplishing those goals.

Work passionately to achieve your goals, but don’t lose yourself in the process. Never lose sight of who you are and what matters in life.

Appreciate what you have while you work towards what you want.

5. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Life isn’t always fair. You’ll make mistakes and you’ll fail. The only thing that matters if you fall is that you get back on your feet again.

Try to learn from failure but never let it define you. Don’t be overcritical of yourself. Do not engage in negative self-talk and blame yourself for your shortcomings.

6. Trust your instinct — always

Listen to the voice inside you — it is there for a reason. If you have a bad feeling about something, or your belly churns and you have goosebumps; pay attention.

Your intuition can sense negative vibes. Slow down if something doesn’t seem right.

7. Treat others with respect and kindness

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect is earned, it can’t be demanded. It is a mutual thing — you have to give respect first if you want to get it.

Be respectful and kind to everyone, regardless of what they do or what position they hold in society.

Your behaviour reflects your upbringing. It should always show you’ve been raised with good moral principles.

8. Never lose your curious mind

Curiosity to learn and seek answers is what motivates us to keep going. Keep your mind open to new ideas and knowledge. Always be ready to discover new things and learn.

The important thing is that you don’t stop questioning. Always be willing to seek out new experiences and explore new possibilities.

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